Sunday, 22 September 2013

Another virus...

... suspect in CFS? 

"Many experts believe that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) has several root causes including some viruses. Now, lead scientists Shara Pantry, Maria Medveczky and Peter Medveczky of the University of South Florida's Morsani College of Medicine, along with the help of several collaborating scientists and clinicians, have published an article in the Journal of Medical Virology suggesting that a common virus, Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), is the possible cause of some CFS cases." 

Persistent human herpesvirus-6 infection in patients with an inherited form of the virus 
Shara N. Pantry, Maria M. Medveczky, Jesse H. Arbuckle, Janos Luka, Jose G. Montoya, Jianhong Hu, Rolf Renne, Daniel Peterson, Joshua C. Pritchett, Dharam V. Ablashi, Peter G. Medveczky 
Journal of Medical Virology, 2013; DOI: 10.1002/jmv.23685

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Lactate biosensor could become…

… a simple test for CFS?

Credit: American Chemical Society. 
Saw this interesting article today. Since lactic acid and lactate is the prime substances that makes muscle feel exhausted and sour, may be this technique could become and easy way to test for CSF.

First human tests of new biosensor that warns when athletes are about to 'hit the wall'
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
A new biosensor, applied to the human skin like a temporary tattoo, can alert marathoners, competitive bikers and other "extreme" athletes that they're about to "bonk," or "hit the wall," scientists are reporting. The study, in ACS' journal Analytical Chemistry, describes the first human tests of the sensor, which also could help soldiers and others who engage in intense exercise — and their trainers — monitor stamina and fitness.

Joseph Wang and colleagues explain that the sensor monitors lactate, a form of lactic acid released in sweat. Lactate forms when the muscles need more energy than the body can supply from the "aerobic" respiration that suffices during mild exercise. The body shifts to "anaerobic" metabolism, producing lactic acid and lactate. That helps for a while, but lactate builds up in the body, causing extreme fatigue and the infamous "bonking out," where an athlete just cannot continue. Current methods of measuring lactate are cumbersome, require blood samples or do not give instant results. Wang's team sought to develop a better approach.

They describe the first human tests of a lactate sensor applied to the skin like a temporary tattoo that stays on and flexes with body movements. Tests on 10 human volunteers showed that the sensor accurately measured lactate levels in sweat during exercise.

"Such skin-worn metabolite biosensors could lead to useful insights into physical performance and overall physiological status, hence offering considerable promise for diverse sport, military, and biomedical applications," say the scientists.

Future research will further correlate sweat lactate levels with fitness, performance and blood lactate levels, Wang added.

Electrochemical Tattoo Biosensors for Real-Time Noninvasive Lactate Monitoring in Human Perspiration
Wenzhao Jia, Amay J. Bandodkar, Gabriela Valdés-Ramírez, Joshua R. Windmiller, Zhanjun Yang, Julian Ramírez, Garrett Chan, and Joseph Wang 
Anal. Chem., 2013, 85 (14), pp 6553–6560, DOI: 10.1021/ac401573r